going waaaaay back in the wayback machine

Sep 1, 2023

My Momma’s last living cousin, Lurlene, passed away recently and a celebration of life was planned. We arrived at the cemetery yesterday for the 11:00 AM service and were the only ones there — except for Lurlene’s best friend, Pat Erwin Combs, that we invited. The memorial is scheduled for NEXT Thursday. 🙄 Mom got a lecture… Mr. Pesky writes everything down in his planner.

Lurlene was the only child of my Pap-pa’s brother Chalkie and his wife, Alma. I have no clue how they got the name “Chalkie” from Gerald Walter — same as how they got my pap-pa’s name “Noah” from Morse Alton. I guess back then you could just pick any ole name out of the air. I may change my name to Izaboo or something and see how that flies.

Lurlene was younger than Mom and the only other cousin we were around as kids/young adults was Gordon. He was the son of Opal (sister of Nanny — Mom’s mother) and Homer Baxter. I guess when you just have a few cousins, you tend to like them better than when you have a bunch of them like I do. Not so sure though because Mom looks a little pissed in the photo below. 🙂

Gordon, Mom & Lurlene

Of course, the photo above wasn’t a color print originally. Thanks to Shelley and Photoshop, it is now. Same as the photo below of Mom, Lurlene, and some unnamed smiling doggo.

This concludes today’s history lesson that no one cares about except for me… and probably Mom.

Now you know: In 2005, a sheep jumped off a cliff in Turkey and 1500 sheep followed one by one. 450 sheep died and the rest survived by landing on the soft big pile of sheep.