topic that’s almost as touchy as religion

Dec 11, 2023

If you think this post is going to be about politics, you’d be wrong. It’s about being fat.

Most of us know that in the US, we have laws to address and prohibit discrimination:

  1. Civil Rights Act of 1965 — prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, national origin or religion.
  2. ADEA – Prohibits employers from discrimination against people 40+ years-old based on age.
  3. ADA – Prohibits discrimination based on disability.
  4. Equal Pay Act — women and men must be given equal pay for equal work.
  5. GINA – prohibits discrimination based on genetic information in employment and health insurance.

Of course, there are more that touch on housing, federal financial assistance, etc… but the above are the biggies. I personally think those cover about everything, but there’s a push to create a new law to protect against weight discrimination. I had no idea there was an ‘anti-fattist’ lobby.

Excessive weight is a physical characteristic, not a disability.

— Texas Supreme Court ruling

Colorado and other states have bills to be introduced at next year’s legislative session because their lawmakers feel weight isn’t currently covered by anti discrimination laws.

Health experts say that if passed, employers would be required to provide bigger desks/work spaces, and restaurants would be required to ensure seating for obese patrons. Attorneys say these laws would allow an employee to sue their employer if a colleague made a “fat shaming” comment.

I find it hard to believe that Americans — HUMANS — can’t just be nice.

In America, 42% of adults and 1 in 5 US children are technically obese.

Based upon personal experience, I’m guessing that percentage is higher for dogs. 🙂

Now you know: The “ALS Icebucket Challenge” actually raised enough money to create treatments for the disease (that work). It wasn’t just a social media trend that went nowhere.