Today the White House rolled out a new website that focuses on health insurance reform and 'what it really means to you and...
Business Thoughts
Cool link
Cool link to an awesome ezine!
the Monday that refuses to end
Remember the movie Groundhog Day? Today reminds me of that movie. It's not so much that I'm living the same day over and...
An awesome start
As if just being a Monday isn't bad enough... I dumped a whole cup of last night's coffee right in the middle of my office...
Fearless Fridays
We've started a new thing around here that happens once a week. We've decided to call it Fearless Friday. Wanna know why?...
Twitter will not fix your car.
I have a series of BLOGS that I subscribe to and read faithfully. One of them is simply called the Bloggess, and while I...
the tooth fairy
I've not posted as often as normal -- I've simply not been on my game. It all started last week with a tooth that suddenly...
security vs opportunity
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death. ~ James F....
net neutrality
I posted just the other day about Skype and the new, freely downloadable application available for the iPhone (coming soon...