While the phrase, "a picture's worth 1000 words" is often attributed to Confucius, Wikipedia says it was Fred R. Barnard...
what they don’t tell you before you get a dog
Oh! The joys of hound dog parenthood! Not quite 5:00 AM and I'm at my computer... wide awake. Why so early? Because Dharma...
gearing up for the winter olympics — snow is here
It makes me happy to see snow falling -- I love how it blankets the earth. If it's winter, then gimme some of that clean,...
the competition for birds is strong — none go hungry
Mr. Pesky bragged a bit too much about how many birds he had at his feeders. Because of that, I upped my game here by...
katie, caffeine, couches, and chicken
Katie worked a wedding last night -- her last night of employment in the Ville. She has 4 days to finish packing because...
it’s a frosty morning and i feel sorry for everyone
So far this nippy morning, I've escorted Dharma off the porch, fed the puppies breakfast and brushed my teeth and hair....
a serene interlude that can make a world of difference
Yesterday morning, I had the luxury of sleeping in. That doesn't happen often with two hounds -- not even on weekends. The...
Elderly Hound With Bad Hips Requires A Rug Maze
Dharma's aging hips and elbows -- plus her quirky fears that stem from those weaknesses -- have my house a maze of rugs and...
i hope this sunny day doesn’t bring more ants
February 1 and it's the first sunny day we've had around here in a very long time. Finally! The sun shining in the window...