I got my COVID-19 test (the rapid test was provided as an 'emergency' since surgery was already scheduled) and there's...
happy independence day 2020
Celebrating the birth of American independence this year of the COVID with one wet dog (one is afraid of the water hose),...
Merida’s IQ is higher than most humans
Merida, at barely 9 months of age, has now learned to turn on the water in the tub. That makes her much smarter than so...
rain, tall grass and other boring stuff
It's rained for days and my yard looks like it's about ready to bale. Since I have dogs and not goats, it's going to get...
so very tired of all the drama
COVID-19 is bad. Racism is bad. Riots and looting... they are bad too. The Democrat and Republican political war is bad....
pho shiki, oh how I missed you!
My first time in a restaurant since early March and Pho Shiki was the choice. Without hesitation. Ben and I wore our masks...
i am percolating on it
Today is 86 days that I've been quarantined with dogs. I'm sick of it, you guys. I've been percolating on this little thing...
what’s goin’ on round here
Absent a few days, I know... not because I'm busy but more because it's the same ole' same ole'. I can sum up the entire...
a glass of wine and 2 Tylenol PM’s later…
New challenges continue to surface without warning that are direct effects of the pandemic. They can especially be a pain...