Like my friend, Mr. Flintstone, my feet are moving at lightning speed, but I'm really not going anywhere. There's simply...
dark early
Holy cow it's getting dark so early. Another mild day in the burg, but my trip to the garage a few minutes ago sure let me...
fall in the burg
Fall in southern Indiana is beautiful. I admit, the colors are pretty even though I hate the rain and the dreary days. What...
in the gutter
The sky was simply beautiful in the burg last night. I'm not sure it gets any better than this no matter where you are in...
you are broke
We often focus on the urgent, and not the important. Now that applies to our personal as well as our professional lives,...
something matters — a new layout
Nothing Matters...and what if it did? is sporting a new facelift that allows for larger photos. Tell us what you think!
light when it’s dark
Finally, I wanted to try some long exposure stuff, but I didn't have anything too exciting to capture at 9:30 at night....
photo bling
Everyone here is sick and it's been a heck of a day. Go figure how a little bitty chihuahua can break thick glass on a...
more photo polishing
I've been asked if the formulas used on the up close and personal photo of Perry can also be applied to outdoor photos as...