My office is on Pacific time but I live on Eastern time. Our clients work within every time zone you can imagine. My boss...
Random Thoughts
it is by listening to stories that we learn how…
Near perfect day -- except for more darned wind -- in the Ville today. My day started with an event and I'll let you guess...
i’m a proud owner of an iPhone… again
Just 5 days ago I posted about how I was satisfied with my Samsung S22 Ultra phone. I talked about how great the camera is...
i’ve been around the block a time or two
Warning -- this is sort of a business post... There's a photographer that I've followed for a very long time -- Jasmine...
Six more weeks of yuck?
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday. The big turd has declared we're going to have six more weeks of winter. Good...
your lifestyle is your preference
Do you have peace about your life and where you are right now? Let's face it, how you live and where you live are factors...
generations in the kitchen
We had a discussion while in the kitchen today about generations. Generation Z... My granddaughter is a zoomer - Generation...
what time is last call?
Merida decided it was time to get up this morning BEFORE 5:00 AM. That means I was Googling, "how to stop dogs from waking...
they’re already talking about another one
The winter storm that went through yesterday is over and forecasters are already talking about another huge weather fiasco...