There's a speaker I like a lot (besides my favorite brother), by the name of Phil Jones. He's the "change your words,...
Random Thoughts
I always sucked at math
In early January, Fauci recommended Americans count COVID hospitalizations rather than infections. Makes sense... right?...
I’m a team player and I can prove it
My favorite pizza comes from Pizza King (Pizza Palace here in Seymour). It's Ben's favorite too. But Perry? He doesn't...
92 shades of red
All 92 Indiana counties are a big code COVID red. Just in time for the IU vs. Purdue game tonight at Assembly Hall. Who...
COVID sucks and so does Indiana weather in January
YES! COVID-19 sucks. Even if you try to go about life as normal... and even if your job is relatively the same... and even...
picking up an old camera to kill some covid time
I read an AP article this morning that said the US is expected to peak insofar as new cases yet this week, meaning new...
raise your hand if you’re not sick
Scrolled through Facebook last night and there were a bajillion images of positive COVID tests. Whole families home sick...
not finding the humor in anything this morning
Let me begin by telling you my feet are cold. Why? Because I have a black hound that eats socks. Merida doesn't bother...
did anyone in Indiana NOT have chili last night?
The cold started yesterday and into the night it only got worse in Indiana. No more than 15 degrees F, I wonder how many...