I had an interesting conversation last night with a friend -- a guy I dated 100 years-ago. His father has Alzheimer's and...
Random Thoughts
down at the lah de dah
Crazy week is almost over and I used a song title for a post because my brain is blank. My sincere hope is that it will get...
i got some moderna running through me!
Today was the day! I put on real clothes (jeans instead of shorts that are my normal winter inside attire) and drove my...
a list of 10 and my primary challenge
We all know that a brand is what identifies one seller's goods or services as distinct from others. What you might not know...
i’d rather be a parrot than a dog
I read an article about how our pet's vision is very different than ours -- and how different species vary from each other....
covid questions – a glance at the past and a glimpse of the present
Just a couple Covid-19 thoughts and questions... a step back in the past, and a glimpse at a current small town local thing...
one step closer to 50… one step closer to spring…
Today is Perry's birthday! He's one step closer to the big FIVE-0. He said he feels more like 89 than 49. Do I feel sorry...
i feel like i hit the lottery and the yeti is real!
First, I firmed up an IN-PERSON, LIVE event for July. So it's in South Dakota and not Hawaii -- but it's a gig. A full-fee...
please rate your delivery driver
After a Wal-mart grocery delivery, you're asked to rate your delivery driver. Nothing elaborate -- not even accurate really...