Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday. The big turd has declared we're going to have six more weeks of winter. Good...
Winter in Indiana
I had a great idea I wanted to share
Speaking with a colleague on the phone I was struck by something I wanted to share here. I even wrote it down so I wouldn't...
apologize, have empathy, say you’re sorry
We say "thank you" automatically, but shouldn't we apologize too when we don't meet reasonable expectations? I posted last...
they’re already talking about another one
The winter storm that went through yesterday is over and forecasters are already talking about another huge weather fiasco...
the weather is here (in the ville), wish you were beautiful
The big scary storm is turning out to be not so scary after all. At least so far anyway. While this slushy stuff may change...
2 distinct ways to salvage a bad morning
My morning started at 6:15 AM after a bedtime of 2:35 AM. Bad enough standing on its own, the reason I was moving so early...
special weather update! Oh my!
Meteorologists came up a tad short with today's forecast. We actually got more snow than predicted and y'all know that...
perry’s 1st day of his 1st vacation 2023
Photos to follow soon of Christmas in January. The snow and frigid temps cancelled Christmas with Perry's family at...
Sign that it’s not really spring…
It's raining today in the Ville. From what I understand, it's going to rain all day long. It's 60 degrees outside and it...