can i quit since it’s almost midnight?

can i quit since it’s almost midnight?

Today’s workday was one stressful, fun-filled, way too many hours sort of day. It’s nearly midnight and I just closed out all my work related programs and tabs to enjoy a cup of coffee before sleep.

Allow me to give you a glimpse…

The morning started with a client request. To preface, we’re doing a rather large training program for a company that includes workbooks with facilitator guides and worksheets. While my favorite brother provides the content, I do all the graphic work, layout, etc. The request was that we adhere to their specific brand. I was provided 2 PDF files that included how many pixels the logo could be from the edge of a document and a color pallet.

Our program is only used INTERNALLY and this was the primary complaint:

brand vs mine

One little number/letter off in the hex code was the primary issue that meant 100’s of pages needed to be modified. So that shot the first part of my day.

Next came an RFP (request for proposal).

I don’t typically do web work for anyone other than my “real” job anymore, but I had a call from a corporation that I’ve worked with for almost 20-years. How do you say no to that? Thing is, because the money is state/federal controlled, a bonified RFP has to be provided, approved by board members, and more. Just do it now and you’re done me thinks.

But by 4:00 PM I was still wearing PJs.

While doing the RFP, I got behind on “real” work. And because I have to have Ms. Pesky at a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning, I plowed through that stuff too. So here I am at almost midnight, and my puppies think I’ve forgotten them. Merida opened the drawer with treats and has been staring at me for the past 15-minutes.

Merida wants a treat.

For whomever thinks working from home is easy — they are sorely mistaken. Just ask Merida.

TIL (Today I Learned): Beyonce’s clothing line made to “support & inspire women” was made by women in sweat shops earning $6.10 per day.

companies have changed focus

companies have changed focus

I know y’all don’t care what speech topics are most important to companies even though I certainly do. You might; however, be interested to know how their focus is changing. Any change in focus reflects what leaders want employees to be better at — and what they think will be most important as we all move forward in business and life.

The published study compared Q3 of 2021 to Q1 of 2022. Companies are still focused on the following:

  1. Adapting to Change
  2. Personal Wellbeing
  3. Customer Service
  4. The New World of Sales
  5. Diversity and Inclusion

The biggest changes in focus revealed by the study:

  1. Workplace Culture — This didn’t even make the list in 2021 and now it’s the #1 trending topic to address. So now, the personality and character of a company is pretty darned important.
  2. Innovation/Creativity — ranking high in 2021 it’s totally absent currently.
  3. Inspiring Stories about Resilience — “you can do it!” is new to 2022.
  4. Teamwork — Ranking highly important last year, it’s not even in the top 10 for 2022.
  5. Equity — note this isn’t equality and it doesn’t mean like “equity in your house.”

my house

Company equity basically means that a company’s focus is on promoting an individual’s right to be different — and providing fair treatment regardless of gender, race, disability, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or age — so they in turn benefit from the competitive advantage of employing diverse talent.

Spot on or need reevaluating?

If you’re in the workforce as an employee — and even if you’re not but benefit from the products and services of companies — what do YOU think should be the top 5 areas companies should focus on moving into mid-2022? Are current company trends on track for future success… or should priorities be reevaluated?

Priorities don’t always align.

One of my current priorities is to get back in the habit of walking. Merida keeps watch outside the door openly expressing her displeasure with my choice. 😉

Merida doesn't like it when I walk

TIL (Today I Learned): The flag of Jamaica is currently the only national flag that does not contain a shade of the colors red, white, or blue.

an unusual conversation and a candy bar

an unusual conversation and a candy bar

I had a call to my business line on Sunday that went to voicemail. The female person’s voicemail said she “wanted to work with us.” I returned the call on Monday.

The first twenty minutes covered how she learned about us, a grant she was awarded, a different type of planting technique, and that she goes by one first/last name, but it’s not her real first/last name. Like (example names only)… Penelope Jones is really Sally Johnson.

Wrapping up, I still had no clear direction insofar as what this person wanted — even though I asked specifically how we could assist. That’s never happened to me before… if you know me, you understand. I scheduled a call for her to speak with “the boss” next week.

Delegating is awesome at times, isn’t it? 😉

We all need 2 names too!

Saw on Facebook that your drag queen name is your grandmother’s first name and the last sweet you ate. That might be a great place to start. Perry is now known as Virginia Ding Dong, and I shall be called Doris Big Cup.

And you are?

Reese's potato chips and peanut butter candy

TIL (Today I Learned): Jack London, author “The Call of the Wild” and “White Fang,” had referred to his first wife as “mother-girl” and to his second wife as “mate-woman.”

(Further proof that our uniqueness makes the world a more interesting place to live.)

i sleep too late to be a billionaire

i sleep too late to be a billionaire

There was an article in the Business Insider that encourages readers to have a set morning routine. The 9 billionaires whose morning regimen they outlined all get up early. That’s right… they all get up early and the majority exercise BEFORE coffee.

Who knew exercising before dawn makes you rich!

Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett aim to get 8 hours sleep per night. Sara Blakely (founder of Spanx) has never had a cup of coffee. EVER! Elon Musk is a late riser compared to other billionaires… his lazy butt doesn’t get up until 7:00 — and he’s the only one of the 9 listed in the article that doesn’t claim to exercise at least one hour every day. They all say they wake up naturally — no need for an alarm.

What’s your morning routine?

Alarm or no? 8 hours sleep? Exercise before starting your day?

To those 4:00 AM rising billionaires, sometimes I’m not in bed yet at 4:00 AM. Like right now… I’m typing this at almost 2:00 AM and I’m not even a little bit sleepy. While I’d like to be a billionaire, I just don’t have it in me.

Sorry, Oprah, you’re going to have to walk your 5 dogs before dawn without me.

Dharma isn’t interested in keeping company with 5 dogs anyway. She can barely stand Merida most of the time.

Dharma is wet.

And Merida is too busy perfecting her begging technique to even entertain the idea of meeting Oprah and her hounds. She’s totally nailed the pitiful, sad eye technique. I can’t say no. Could you?

Merida is a beggar.

TIL (Today I Learned): The doctor who helped deliver Dolly Parton was paid, by her father, with a bag of cornmeal.

couldn’t get any more random than this…

couldn’t get any more random than this…

Weather (told you this was going to be random).

It was 62° when I went to bed last night and is still warm (warm for Indiana in February) this morning. BUT… today we could have severe thunderstorms along with lots of rain. Tomorrow, the high is forecasted to be 36°F. Indiana has no clue what season it wants to be. What a dreary day!

dreary, rainy day in Indiana

Don’t wait to do the things you need to do.

A friend of mine posted on FB that she wasn’t planning to attend her 31st class reunion. Why?

  • Vanity — she’s not happy with her aging appearance. (Like anyone else is going to look as they did 30+ years ago?)
  • Expense — she didn’t want to spend the money to travel to her high school/boarding school as it’s several states away.

Then one of her beloved classmates (a former suitemate) passed away yesterday.

My friend immediately booked her flight without thinking about a special discounted fee, and made all plans to attend. She shared this experience as a reminder not to wait to do the things you need to do.

Right after I read my friend’s suggestion, I received the video session for our ‘Inner Circle’ group that touched on an extremely similar topic — recharging your batteries to be more creative and productive in business and in life. While it’s not currently in the cards for me to have downtime in Hawaii and there’s no out-of-state class reunion to attend, I needed those reminders anyway. I figure maybe you do too. 🙂

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.

Ophra Winfrey