it’s the day after Christmas and my trees are still up

it’s the day after Christmas and my trees are still up

I love the way the house looks when I decorate for Christmas. I love the lights, I do. But I’ve been known to have everything down and stored away by Christmas night. Done is done, right?

As I sit in the silence looking at the glow in the office/family room, I realize I’m not ready yet. And I’m already a day late.

Have you noticed how rooms grow in size once the decorations are gone?

Funny that when I put up my Christmas trees (I have 3 inside this year), I don’t feel like it makes the rooms look smaller. But the second they’re gone and packed away, rooms instantly get a lot bigger!

It’s supposed to turn colder mid-week so I should bring in the outside stuff. But even that is staying put for awhile. Having a loft storage room that’s about 600 square feet is wonderful. No more making Perry pack boxes up a rickety ladder in the garage and through a small opening to find a spot in the attic. 🙂

Someone may get coal next year.

Both puppies had packages under the tree shaped like big candy canes filled with toys. ONE of them has already destroyed a couple items beyond recognition. Guess which one?

I hope the Pesky neighbors miss today’s post…

The Pesky neighbors bought me a beautiful poinsettia just after Thanksgiving. I promptly killed it — all the leaves fell off. I didn’t tell them and just before Christmas, I bought another one with the same colored foil around the pot. No one mentioned it during Christmas and the only way they’ll know is if they read about it today.

It’s a test. 😉

Now you know: Myrrh, one of the Three Wise Men’s gifts, is a medicinal herb still in use today.

homeless in the ville?

homeless in the ville?

Katie called me the other night just before midnight. She’d seen someone walking near where she’s living — at the MasterSbilt shop’s apartment for the time being. Dude with a flashlight was creeping around and creeping her out!

No calvary to call in.

The Ville currently doesn’t have an on-duty police officer overnight. I guess I was the next best thing. When the lights went out in the front of the building, I told her to call her Dad. Katie has a personal protection permit and a firearm… still, it’s scary when your dogs go bat shit crazy and are on high alert — something even ole’ Dharma does on occasion.

But not today.

Tader and Jeri arrived and checked everything out. The lights are on a timer so that was a false alarm. Still, what was a dude doing walking around and where did he go? We all told Katie to call the police department the next morning and see what they could do.

There’s homeless living in the woods behind her. 😯

Not sure how many are there, but the Chief of Police told her there’s NOTHING they can do unless something is stolen or broken. I guess it’s up to the landowner to evict them. (Sorry, Katie — but you can keep them. I don’t want them out here in the woods we own.)

Of course, there are homeless people everywhere and I don’t think anyone knows what to do about it. I know there’s the Anchor House in Seymour — but not sure how that works. With the rising cost of just surviving, I’m sure the number of people down on their luck will only grow.

It’s not that I don’t care…

I know this sounds like I don’t feel awful for those that don’t have a home, but I appreciate that I own a bit of property primarily because I value my privacy. I don’t discriminate in this regard — I don’t want anyone living right next to me anymore. Not in a house and not in a tent.

Now you know: Many choking deaths happen in bathrooms. It turns out that people who start choking often feel embarrassed and rush to the bathroom for privacy, only to end up dying alone, often next to a toilet.

topic that’s almost as touchy as religion

topic that’s almost as touchy as religion

If you think this post is going to be about politics, you’d be wrong. It’s about being fat.

Most of us know that in the US, we have laws to address and prohibit discrimination:

  1. Civil Rights Act of 1965 — prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, national origin or religion.
  2. ADEA – Prohibits employers from discrimination against people 40+ years-old based on age.
  3. ADA – Prohibits discrimination based on disability.
  4. Equal Pay Act — women and men must be given equal pay for equal work.
  5. GINA – prohibits discrimination based on genetic information in employment and health insurance.

Of course, there are more that touch on housing, federal financial assistance, etc… but the above are the biggies. I personally think those cover about everything, but there’s a push to create a new law to protect against weight discrimination. I had no idea there was an ‘anti-fattist’ lobby.

Excessive weight is a physical characteristic, not a disability.

— Texas Supreme Court ruling

Colorado and other states have bills to be introduced at next year’s legislative session because their lawmakers feel weight isn’t currently covered by anti discrimination laws.

Health experts say that if passed, employers would be required to provide bigger desks/work spaces, and restaurants would be required to ensure seating for obese patrons. Attorneys say these laws would allow an employee to sue their employer if a colleague made a “fat shaming” comment.

I find it hard to believe that Americans — HUMANS — can’t just be nice.

In America, 42% of adults and 1 in 5 US children are technically obese.

Based upon personal experience, I’m guessing that percentage is higher for dogs. 🙂

Now you know: The “ALS Icebucket Challenge” actually raised enough money to create treatments for the disease (that work). It wasn’t just a social media trend that went nowhere.

Merida is being prepped for a greased pig contest

Merida is being prepped for a greased pig contest

Poor lil’ Merida’s skin is driving her crazy. She’s itching so badly that she kept everyone up all night last night. 😒

She started out in bed and got in trouble for scratching. She moved to the floor for about 5-minutes before running Dharma from her bed. Dharma got in the other dog bed and Merida then scooted her out of it. This went on all night long. ALL. NIGHT. LONG.

On this cold and dreary Sunday, we’re all sleepy.

I slathered her in coconut oil (after covering the couches with sheets) and gave her 2 CBD chews. Relief at last, she snoozed off and on most of the day. Unlike the humans who feel sluggish and downright lethargic.

She’s about to get greased up again.

I figure with this last application, she’ll be ready for a greased pig contest. Vet call in the morning for Apoquel (itch/allergy medicine). Sure hope I get some sleep tonight! 🙂

Now you know: Slot machines run by the U.S. military earn $100 million a year from service members overseas.

a time machine to breakfast

a time machine to breakfast

Y’all know I’m sleep deprived most of the time. Today is no different. My two hounds wake me up so they can nap. Morning naps are the time machine to breakfast.

I read an article that listed 7 reasons your dog should sleep in bed with you.

  1. You will feel safer.
  2. They keep you warm.
  3. It relieves stress.
  4. Your dog sleeping with you in bed reduces depression.
  5. Their closeness helps you fall asleep faster.
  6. You’ll live longer.
  7. Your dog enjoys being close to you.

Let’s talk about this list… I feel safe without a dog in my bed. I don’t like being warm at night. A hot mess hound dog in bed with me is supposed to relieve stress and reduce depression? Ummm… no. I find it harder to fall asleep with a snoring dog and don’t care how much they enjoy being close to me when I’m sleepy. My longevity is yet to be determined.

Do you have a dog that sleeps in bed with you?

If so, how many in the list above do you agree with?

So very cold but still not a snowflake in sight.

Now you know: Bleach has a shelf life with the effectiveness decreasing after just 6 months and eventually degrades into salt water.