if peace and quiet was REALLY what i was after, i wouldn’t have dogs

if peace and quiet was REALLY what i was after, i wouldn’t have dogs

I chose to live on the outskirts of Crothersville because of the simplicity of rural living. The barndo gives me that. My other priorities are peace and quiet. Welp — that doesn’t happen when you have two onery dogs.

Chilly with colder in the forecast.

It’s supposed to be colder today than yesterday’s high of 43°. Rainy and chilly, I have two windows open — one in the office and the other in the bedroom. It’s not because it’s hot in here… it’s because I want the air I breathe to be cool. Hot air is awful.

Do you do that too? Run a fan to sleep maybe? Prefer your bedroom to be cooler than the rest of the house?

Dharma likes the cooler temps.

You’d think with her arthritis she’s prefer summer, but she wears a heavy coat year round and likes it brisk. We’re both hoping for snow soon. Big, white, fluffy flakes, please.

Now you know: 7Up contained lithium citrate, a mood-stabilizing drug, until 1948.

i wasn’t a medieval peasant this morning…

i wasn’t a medieval peasant this morning…

Thanksgiving Day I wore a pair of house slippers with my jeans. My kid evidently thought they were “real” shoes and his obvious intent was to shame me so much I wouldn’t wear them in public.

Me: Whaaa?
Ben: You look like a medieval peasant. (Insert eye rolls here — his and mine.)

Because the floor is lava!

Notice the time on the clock? Yes, that’s approximately 2:30 AM…

Dharma believes that floors are lava UNLESS you’re wearing a pink leash. A pink leash makes you invincible and allows you to travel without fear on lava floors.

I have medieval peasant shoes because the lava doesn’t stop on the deck. NO! It doesn’t stop until you reach the sidewalk. Concrete is cold on bare feet thus the Ugg (and ugly) shoes. I just didn’t need to wear them this morning because Perry did the 2:30 AM magic leash detail.

Merida thinks it’s HER job.

Merida grabs the magic pink leash and leads Dharma outside a lot of the time. That means she gets Dharma hair on her face and doesn’t want her photo taken. 😉

Now you know: James Earl Jones was officially replaced as the voice of Darth Vader last year by AI with Jones’ consent. The move was made after he told Disney that he “was looking into winding down this particular character.” He consented to the future use of his voice with AI to “keep Vader alive.”

happy thanksgiving – and a belated happy gotcha day to Merida

happy thanksgiving – and a belated happy gotcha day to Merida

Merida became a family member on 11/22/19. It’s hard to believe she’s four! While she’s just a bit over 28 in dog years, she still acts like she’s in the human toddler version of the terrible twos. 🙄

Neither dog knows how to behave when anyone visits. When the family shows up today for Thanksgiving, it should be a regular workout for me… and everyone else no doubt.

Here’s hoping you have lots of good food and a stress free time with family today! xoxo 🦃

Now you know: John F. Kennedy was the first president to pardon a turkey.

Dharma is on the struggle bus and it’s Willy’s fault

Dharma is on the struggle bus and it’s Willy’s fault

I posted yesterday about Katie bringing her new puppy out to visit. Such a cute lil’ feller… Perry would LOVE to have a shepherd.

Excitement led to injury.

Dharma was so worried that I was going to look at Willy, she tried to jump in my lap. Now Dharma is 100 pounds (a little more right now) and the big girl was NOT going to make it up there even if there was room. She’s typically pretty docile…

With the top of her body on my lap, her already weak back legs slid underneath her and my chair and she almost did a back flip! I was hanging on to her and yelled for help. We got her righted but by nightfall she was limping. Like… barely able to get around. We started on Prednisone immediately and she was a bit better by last night.

When we get older, we can’t do what we used to.

Dogs don’t understand that concept… but I sure do.

Funeral today for Uncle Max. 🙁

Family viewing is at 9:00 AM with the funeral at 1:00. Food at the church for the family after the graveside service means I’ll be out most of the day tomorrow. That also means I have ONE… yes ONE… day left before my 2 month hiatus. Actually, I think it’s practice retirement.

Now you know: In the first 40 years of the US Interstate Highway System, it directly saved the lives of 187,000 people, prevented injuries to nearly 12 million people and returned $6 in economic productivity for each dollar that it costs.

my team is wishing we’d hurry up

my team is wishing we’d hurry up

My A-team, Dharma and Merida, are wanting the office back in the correct room ASAP. It’s simply not “normal” to spend most of your time in the dining room — looking into the kitchen — without food being prepared or eaten.

I’m over it too!

It’s hard enough to work with only one computer in front of me (I only hooked up the essentials). Add to my discomfort the lack of anyplace for my feet, and it’s almost torture. 😉

The photo below was taken UNDER my desk…

Today is my favorite and MUCH OLDER brother’s birthday!

I hope it was happy… even though he ate dinner at St. Elmo’s and didn’t invite me. 🙄

Now you know: An unplugged microwave carries enough residual current to kill you, even if it’s been unplugged for months. So never try to repair a broken microwave unless you know how to discharge the capacitor.