fat chicks 2023 is a wrap

fat chicks 2023 is a wrap

Today was the final weigh-in for the 3 fat chicks diet contest. We had reservations to eat at St. Elmo’s Steakhouse tonight with the person losing the least amount of weight footing the bill. We’ve postponed it since I’m sick — but that doesn’t mean I’m going to continue to be as diet dedicated after today.

I’m the least fat fatty!

I lost the most over the 3 months of dieting — I doubled their losses combined. BAM!

Once I’m healed from this WHATEVER IT IS I’ve got, I will be back on the treadmill daily and hope to walk with Mr. Pesky throughout fall’s decent days. I’m 2.8 pounds from my goal weight and I don’t want to gain back what I lost. But this strict diet stuff is OVER till next year. 🙂

Jerilyn had the most skin in the game… no way Katie could afford to pay for the 3 of us to eat steak if she lost the least. Katie picked up Weight Watchers late and made an impressive comeback. There was less than 1 pound difference in loss between the 2 of them. Katie picked up .8 pounds during the last week putting ole’ J back in the running.

In a surprise turn of events, Jerilyn didn’t participate in the final weigh-in and wore the failure badge like a champ. She’s buying our dinner in early November.

Dharma is excited because the end of the diet means she’ll get pizza crust again!

Now you know: No President has ever used the Emergency Alert System despite events such as the 9/11 attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Cuban missile crisis.

i’ve been diagnosed with… dog guilt.

i’ve been diagnosed with… dog guilt.

Dog guilt is a real thing, I guess. It’s a condition that occurs when you leave your home and you feel guilty that your beloved pet(s) are left behind. All those people who say, “it’s just a dog,” will never understand. I sure get it! The closer our Disney trip gets… the guiltier I feel. 🙁

Winter preparedness is real ’round here!

They say it’s going to be a bad winter this year. More cold and snow than is typical in southern Indiana. Who knows really though, right? Persimmon seeds had spoons last year and it was mild. Evenings are chilly already and the days are warm and sunny for the most part. But that won’t last forever.

Knowing what’s coming our way, I’m getting ready. The beans are more yellow every single day and it won’t be long until bright oranges and reds take over the green in leaves. Hummingbirds are filling up at the feeders — when they aren’t fighting over the best spots — getting ready for their journey.

So yesterday, this happened…

At 11:00 PM every night, I want to eat — and during the day I’d rather nap.

I’m typing this before the fat chicks weigh-in today so I have no progress to share. I switched from the “carbs are your enemy” plan to Weight Watchers, but I’m still doing intermittent fasting (eating from 11:00AM to 7:00PM only). It’s a real challenge to be sitting with 10 points left and you can’t eat because the time to do so is up. ARG!

I’m still at odds with my Oura ring. When I awoke yesterday morning, it said my heartrate lowered late and asked if I ate before bed. NO! No, I did not!! It set my goal low at 7,000 steps because my sleep and readiness scores were crap. Then, after taking 16,814 steps, it gave me only a 70 activity score. SERIOUSLY, Oura?? Mom had a 76 and Jerilyn had a 94 and I’d bet $100 bucks I did more activity than both of them combined.

I’m beginning to wonder if losing weight and being active is overrated. 😏

Now you know: In 2017, hackers used smart sensors in a casino fish tank to access its network and steal customer data.

one of my dogs was sure she was gonna die!

one of my dogs was sure she was gonna die!

Yesterday, I don’t know what I would’ve done without Mr. Pesky. Both of my hound dog’s nails were long and I am too chicken to cut them myself. I tried once — but one leg jerk was all it took for me to throw the clippers in the drawer never to be seen again.

Not only did I need Carl’s transportation, but I also had to have help getting Dharma in the car. Unlike Merida, she can’t just jump in. 🙁

Guess which dog behaved during the nail trim…

  1. The docile brown dog with bad hips
  2. The agile and energetic black dog

Go ahead and guess… we’ll wait…

Dharma bad. Merida good.

Dharma was determined NOT to have her feet touched. It was so bad, I thought Carl was going to have to choke her out. She ended up laying down and flipping her head around to escape. It was awful. She seriously thought she was gonna die. She never resists coming inside, but when we got back she slipped her collar challenging the two steps it takes to get through the door. Not until I said, “BONE” was the protest over.

Merida, on the other hand, offered a bit of resistance on paw #1. After that, she simply allowed the process without either of us putting her in a choke hold to keep her from moving. It was a piece of cake.

After that action, I needed some zen…

Resting was required because Dharma has so much hair between the pads of her feet, they have to be shaved. But that’s a story for another day.

Now you know: In the 18 months leading up to the 9/11 attacks, the CIA had 2 of the hijackers under surveillance within the US but kept it secret from the FBI. 🙄

side deck bathing for two

side deck bathing for two

Over the holiday weekend, Perry and I decided to give Dharma and Merida a bath. As a reminder… Dharma LOVES water and Merida HATES it. So who do you think was easier to bathe?

If you guessed the dog that loves water — Dharma — you would be WRONG!

Although Dharma loves water, she loves to bite at the water coming from the hose. Also, she has the thickest hair of any lab I’ve ever seen. EVER. We were 30 minutes in before water ever reached her skin. By the time she was lathered up, Perry and I were both soaked. Finally rinsed, Dharma was not happy with us… but she was clean!

Merida was the good girl probably for the first time ever.

Merida is slick haired. She’d been groomed before but it had been a long time. Giving her a bath in the tub or shower is a nightmare, but giving her a bath with the hose on the deck was a piece of cake. She’s sleek and shiny.

Fast forward 5 hours later…

Dharma was still too wet to brush, and Merida was bone dry. Perry and I brought our shoes inside that we’d left in the sun to dry — they were still wet. It was an experience, for sure. Not sure if Perry will volunteer next time around. 😉

Now you know: In 1966 the glass roof of the Houston Astrodome was painted to reduce glare. However, this reduced the amount of sunlight in the stadium and most of the grass died. A synthetic grass surface called ChemGrass was installed in its place, and Astroturf got its name.

Hispanic, rural, conservative, less educated and less wealthy — how many boxes do you check?

Hispanic, rural, conservative, less educated and less wealthy — how many boxes do you check?

Before I get political, I saw where Jackson County Sheriff’s Department K9 Control is asking for donations of chemicals to clean their kennels. Why would anyone donate to them when there are shelters full of dogs needing homes that obviously poop and pee in their kennels too? Sorry, but I find this request pathetic.

Skip the rest if you don’t want to read political viewpoints!

I’ve read a bajillion articles of late regarding who likes Donald Trump. The most interesting was a poll by a multi-university team of social scientists. They found Trump has a commanding 40-point lead over DeSantis even though he has multiple criminal indictments. They wanted to know the demographics of these people — and to view the report/article of their findings you must subscribe to the NY Times.

Take note of Dharma’s expression as I summarize:

“Trump’s support is not uniform across all Republicans – it is, for instance, notably higher among Republicans who identify with some of these characteristics – being less wealthy or educated, rural, older, Hispanic or white, or very conservative.”

Reading on through the article, those particular groups of voters may show the largest leads, but Trump’s on top across the board. And get this — only 18% of the Republicans polled felt Trump’s indictment (regarding classified documents) was justified. In a July Reuters/Ipsos poll, it was reported that 37% of independents said the criminal cases made them less likely to vote for Trump. What about the other 63%?

Biden is doing a great job… WHAT???

When people I know stand up for the current administration and act like Biden is doing this great job, I can’t keep the “are you kidding me” look off my face. I can’t! I’ve tried, you guys.

Bad press about Joe or Hunter Biden? Another Trump indictment. Don’t look here… look THERE!! I’m not a conspiracy theorist or a right-wing nut job. I just want fairness — and that ain’t never gonna happen. Politics are ugly.

Dharma’s “where are your brain cells” expression is a duplicate of mine when talking politics with just about anyone. 🙂

If you missed it and want to catch the Tucker Carlson/Trump interview, you can watch it on X (Twitter).

Now you know: The mayor of Knox County, TN is a 7 foot tall WWE wrestler known as Kane.