an enriching experience that can positively impact your life

an enriching experience that can positively impact your life

If you’re looking for some life coach mumbo jumbo, you won’t find it here. What you will find instead is me telling you that owning a dog is rewarding, and that it promotes emotional well-being, physical health and overall quality of life.

Merida dreaming about summertime.

Caring for a dog requires commitment, responsibility, and a daily routine.

Owning a dog can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Their presence can provide comfort, support, and a sense of belonging, especially during challenging times.

Dharma's cute face

Studies show that interacting with dogs reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure and promotes relaxation. Merida did NOT take part in any of the studies…

Merida is a hot mess

The companionship, love, and joy that dogs bring into your life can lead to increased happiness, fulfillment, and overall life satisfaction. Their playful antics, unwavering devotion, and constant presence can brighten your days and bring a sense of joy to your home.

Go get yourself a dog. If you already have one… go get another. πŸ™‚

Now you know: The “Zip” in Zip Code stands for Zone Improvement Plan, has been in use since 1963, and adds $10 billion annually to the US economy.

parents should encourage children to be plumbers

parents should encourage children to be plumbers

When Scott and I were in high school, college was the next step to get ahead in life. Why? Because college graduates have typically had access to a wider range of job opportunities and were better equipped to adapt to changing market demands.

When my son, Ben, was at that particular crossroad, nothing much had changed. College was still the direction one should be encouraged to go to be successful.

Back then, we didn’t see AI coming.

looking for AI but don't see it coming

You may or may not believe as I do… that AI will create earth-shattering changes. I believe it’s already started. Now, everyone has access to insights and productivity like never before. That means humans must be more competent as to not be replaceable — and for some, competency won’t be enough.

My child rearing days are behind me and I’m great with that. At my stage in life, I’m happy I don’t have to make the decisions young parents do today. But if I did…

I’d encourage my kids to become plumbers, electricians, contractors or mechanics.

AI can’t fix your toilet, repair an electrical short, shingle a roof, or find out why your car’s A/C quit working. People still need those professions with or without the benefit of AI.

It’s scary when you analyze recent data — especially when what businesses see as their primary challenge is not congruent with what prospective employees are looking for…

  1. Recent research shows keeping pace with technology is the #1 challenge for businesses today.
  2. Recent research shows work-life balance is the #1 challenge for individual professionals today.

Now you know: When baseball player Roberto Clemente died in a plane crash, his teammate Manny Sanguillen was the only one of his teammates who did not attend the memorial service. He instead chose to dive into the shark-infested crash site to try and help to retrieve the body.

how to adopt a dog that’s already trained

how to adopt a dog that’s already trained

A few years back, we took Dharma and Merida to Dog World Daycare & Behavioral Center in Columbus, Indiana. Dharma took classes, but Merida went to boot camp and even got her good citizenship award. Yes, we were shocked.

Dharma — unlike Merida — has always (almost) been a good dog.

Dharma's a good dog.

Dog World has recently been posting dogs that are adoptable on Facebook.

How cool is it that they’re training dogs that are looking for homes? And how great is it that you can get an already trained dog that needs you?

What an awesome — and caring — step they’re taking. I would imagine someone interested in adoption would appreciate knowing more about the dog before taking it home (how it relates to people and other dogs)– and who better to tell you than its trainer?

Now you know: Phil Collins spontaneously sang the lyrics to “In the Air Tonight”. They were completely improvised and he didn’t write them down until after singing them for the first time, on a piece of paper (which he still has) from his decorator.

trust is the foundation of all meaningful relationships

trust is the foundation of all meaningful relationships

Cooperation, collaboration, and mutual understanding are all built on trust. Without it, interactions are plagued with uncertainty and suspicion. In both personal and professional relationships, trust is required to progress and grow.

Why it’s scary…

β€œThe best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”

– Ernest Hemingway

We all have friends and family we trust completely. But we also have people in our lives that we trust differently. Right? Like… I have friends that I know without a doubt I can trust with secrets. I have others that I can trust to have my back — but I can’t trust them to do what they said they would do when they said they would do it.

And me? I’ll keep your secrets but…

I can’t be trusted not to share photos that I think are funny no matter who you are. (Sorry!) πŸ™‚

Merida having a bad ear day.

Trust is a function of two things: character and competence. Character includes your integrity, your motive, your intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, your skills, your results, your track record. And both are vital.

— The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey

Now you know: The U.S. Merchant Marines had the highest casualty rate of any U.S. service branch in WWII. Even so, survivors were denied veterans benefits until 1988.

research shows moving 3 minutes every hour clears your mind

research shows moving 3 minutes every hour clears your mind

Most of us have some type of device that can be set to remind us to move every hour. We all know it’s unhealthy to sit for hours on end. Right? My Oura ring and my Apple watch nag me every single time my work colleagues nap through the deadline. That doesn’t happen often.

Dharma & Merida outside

There are many benefits to being active for a short 3 minutes every hour. Obviously, it improves posture, raises metabolism, and increases blood flow — but it’s also said to improve your mood and give you increased energy. I’m not so sure about those last two… πŸ™‚

I’m still alive only because I have dogs!

Srinivansan Beddhu, M.D., professor of internal medicine at Utah, recently published the results from a long term study on this very topic. The study revealed if you take a 2 minute walk every hour, you have a 33% lower risk of dying!

Even though my favorite brother is obviously trying to kill me — and has for YEARS now — my hounds see to it that I stay at least healthy enough physically to take them out, and healthy enough mentally to remember to feed them.

U.S. millennials say work-life balance means more than pay!

In another recently published 2024 trends survey, roughly 60% of millennials in the U.S. (my son included) said they would take a 20% pay cut for a better work-life balance. This Baby Boomer in particular agrees with that, and I know 1 Gen X’er (Perry) that would as well.

Small steps every hour can add up to big health benefits throughout a lifetime. I have to wonder how many steps this foxy visitor got today…

red fox in a gravel driveway

Now you know: Dennis Rader, the serial killer known as BTK, worked at ADT Security Services from 1974 to 1988. He installed security alarms as part of his job, in many cases for homeowners concerned about the BTK killings.