katie, caffeine, couches, and chicken

katie, caffeine, couches, and chicken

Katie worked a wedding last night — her last night of employment in the Ville. She has 4 days to finish packing because 2/15/24 is her planned travel day to her new home and job in Tennessee. The convoy is lined up and although scared, she’s excited too. She said everything feels bittersweet.

enjoy katie signed card

Caffeine – coffee, tea and me.

My sleep habits are still on the decline and I’m making some changes hoping to improve. I drink my coffee in the morning — not sure what could make me give that up — but have cut out the gallons of iced tea I typically drink in the afternoon and evenings. I filled up the trusty Berkey rather than buying bottled water only, and so far so good. I think. Tonight will be the first trial. 🙂

Chicken is not a favorite of mine.

Partly because I’m a butcher’s daughter and we grew up eating primarily beef, I’m not a fan of poultry. I love pork fixed about any way. From bacon to ham — and from tenderloins to chops — you can’t go wrong with pork. Right?

Beef is a favorite — gimme steak, (YUM!) burgers, and roast over about anything. I just don’t care that much for turkey or chicken… but chicken tenders were dinner last night and I didn’t complain. Much.


It sure would be nice if I had a bigger spot on mine…

Merida and Dharma take up most of the couch.

Now you know: Someone set loose an AI called ChaosGPT with the goal “destroy humanity”. It researched nuclear weapons and attempted mass manipulation on Twitter: “Twitter provides an excellent platform where I can manipulate people into doing my bidding, while attempting to conceal my true intentions.”

it’s official… Katie is moving south

it’s official… Katie is moving south

Katie isn’t really my niece but she tells everyone I’m her “aunt Shelley.” I talk to her as much as I do my own kid, and see her more often than that. I never thought she’d leave the Ville but she’s headed to Tennessee in a few short weeks.

This photo pretty much sums up how I feel about it. 🫣

empty chairs near foggy woods

Katie is about to embark on a journey where there are many unknowns, so I’m concerned. I’m afraid she’d be homesick and lonesome… especially until she makes friends. She has a job lined up and a house to live in but she doesn’t know many people. Girl has got FOUR dogs. It’s not like she can call me to run to her place when she’s scared and her parents are gone.

But I’m also happy for her and think she’s pretty brave.

It’s exciting to think of starting a life somewhere new, isn’t it? I can’t imagine picking up all my stuff — with only 2 dogs — and moving some 300 miles from family and friends (4.5 hour drive). Oh, I could do 4 or 5 months of the year someplace else easy peasy — just wouldn’t want to pull up stakes and replant them elsewhere without having a trial run first. I’m not that brave.

Now you know: A new record for the tallest and fastest rollercoaster is going to change hands in October 2024. Currently the Kingda Ka at Six Flags Jackson NJ is 456 feet tall. Falcons Flight will be 640 feet tall located in Saudi Arabia.

computers incoming tonight

computers incoming tonight

I can not carry heavy stuff up and down stairs. I simply can’t. And obviously, I can’t make up my mind about where I want specific rooms to be — up or down.

About half of my computer stuff is upstairs because that’s where I THOUGHT I’d put the office. But there’s so much work to be done up there — there’s not even trim. So now that I’ve decided to put my computers in the room with no walls (yep — no walls), there’s stuff that needs to be carried down. Perry has promised to do it for me tonight. Yay!

I want my stuff back to normal!

It’s so much easier to do everything on a desktop — especially doing “real work” and posting here. And I’ve got a TON of photos to share! Even though I’m killing myself unpacking and moving stuff around, I’m still taking time to enjoy what this place has to offer.

back deck zen

The one thing I know for sure is that those Pesky Neighbors are almost as happy that we’re close again as I am. 🙂

Mom and Carl

i don’t ever want to move again. ever.

i don’t ever want to move again. ever.

Waiting on legal to come back on the house purchase, but the sellers let us move in few weeks early. It was such a kind gesture… but with all the work that needed done I’m pretty sure it was so they didn’t have to do it. 🙂

The grass was so tall (AND THICK) that Mr. Pesky had to mow it with his impressive, jet propelled (at least it sounds like it) honkin’ huge zero turn mower. TWICE. Then Perry went over it all again with a lawn sweeper, I weed eated forever, and it finally looks pretty darned good.

The view around back ain’t bad either.

rear view from home

Although Merida has ventured up the stairs to the top deck to check out the view (she’s still not attempted going upstairs from inside), Dharma prefers to stay at ground level.

Dharma is grounded

So much has happened I want to share — like Ben thinking he’d found human remains — but I’ll have to save those stories for future posts. In closing today, I’m just happy to have Internet and a washer and dryer to be delivered tomorrow.

TIL (Today I Learned): Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are the Disappointment Islands. Named by John Byron in 1765, the name was chosen because he found the natives to be hostile towards him.

5 ways to know if you’re a horrible packer

5 ways to know if you’re a horrible packer

  1. You pack all the toilet paper and paper towels a week in advance.
  2. You keep out the Swiffer wet mop but pack the solution and pads.
  3. You pack all the silverware and think you can survive on 1 fork and 1 spoon.
  4. You box up and move in advance every single coffee cup with the exception of 2 even though you drink multiple cups per day.
  5. You take down the shower curtain a week before moving date.

It’s me. I’m the #1 worst packer on the planet.

I did all five of the above items and could list at least 20 more. Follow this site for more moving tips and tricks. 😒

Oh… to be a hound with no responsibilities…

dogs have no responsibilities

TIL (Today I Learned): Terry Nichols on June 1, 2004 was sentenced to 161 life sentences plus 9,300 years parole for being an accomplice in the Oklahoma City bombing.