teachers let the mules out

May 25, 2018

Colette’s last day of school was today and she wanted to spend the night at Nana’s. Yay! With her big birthday bash coming this weekend, I ran in the house to hide gifts before she was allowed to walk in the door.

I grabbed these LED slingshot helicopter things while shopping this week just because they were on a cool display and I thought they would make another package for her to open — but I’m weak and we opened them this evening. These things are AMAZING!

last day of 1st grade

We were outside after 9:30 PM shooting them and watching them spin to the ground. Not one went on the roof or got stuck in the tree because we are expert slingshot operators. (I did forget to turn the light on once and had to search for it for at least 5 minutes.)

Growing up, Mom always had “the new set of rules” that came into play on the last day of school. Bed at a certain time and out of bed in the mornings at another. While more relaxed than our school schedule, we didn’t just get to just go to bed whenever we wanted — except when we went to Nanny’s house. Now that I’m the Nanny, I get to break the parental rules.

Colette rolled into bed around midnight and told me she’d had the best night of her whole life. 🙂 Sure do love this Nana gig.