facial expressions communicate better than words

facial expressions communicate better than words

Facial expressions have a remarkable ability to communicate emotions and convey messages effectively. They can be a genuine indicator of true emotions. While words can be chosen carefully, facial expressions are more difficult to control consciously.

Are you watching or just listening?

Facial expressions can reveal underlying emotions and attitudes. These fleeting expressions, which last for just fractions of a second, (not that fake smile we’ve all perfected), can provide valuable insights into true feelings and intentions. While listening is important — you can glean a wealth of information just by observing.

Merida doesn't like to be photographed.

It’s universal understanding!

Facial expressions are recognized across different cultures and languages. Think about how you can understand the thoughts and emotions of others without the use of words.

Facial expressions allow us to transcend language barriers and communicate — even with those who are non-verbal.

happy puppies

Now you know: John Quincy Adams partially blinded himself looking directly at an eclipse in 1791. He was also the first president to be interviewed by a woman. Anne Royal found out he skinny dipped in the Potomac every day at a certain time. She went down and held his clothes hostage until he would give her an interview. 

an enriching experience that can positively impact your life

an enriching experience that can positively impact your life

If you’re looking for some life coach mumbo jumbo, you won’t find it here. What you will find instead is me telling you that owning a dog is rewarding, and that it promotes emotional well-being, physical health and overall quality of life.

Merida dreaming about summertime.

Caring for a dog requires commitment, responsibility, and a daily routine.

Owning a dog can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Their presence can provide comfort, support, and a sense of belonging, especially during challenging times.

Dharma's cute face

Studies show that interacting with dogs reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure and promotes relaxation. Merida did NOT take part in any of the studies…

Merida is a hot mess

The companionship, love, and joy that dogs bring into your life can lead to increased happiness, fulfillment, and overall life satisfaction. Their playful antics, unwavering devotion, and constant presence can brighten your days and bring a sense of joy to your home.

Go get yourself a dog. If you already have one… go get another. 🙂

Now you know: The “Zip” in Zip Code stands for Zone Improvement Plan, has been in use since 1963, and adds $10 billion annually to the US economy.

Still hovering at around 60°F with rain

Still hovering at around 60°F with rain

Yesterday and today are almost twins. Yesterday, it rained about all day and through the night — and today we can expect more of the same.

deck through raindrops on glass at night

Since the temps are remaining fairly mild, I guess I shouldn’t complain. While I’d love this to be snow, even I’m about over the cold weather until next winter. Enough is enough.

Ever wonder why it feels colder when it’s damp and rainy? Me too! ChatGPT says it’s primarily because of evaporative cooling. All that moisture in the air has to evaporate. As it does, it absorbs heat from its surroundings to change from liquid to gas. As a result, the air feels cooler even when the air temp hasn’t changed.

I do have a family member that loves rain…

Dharma loves rain.

I’m pretty sure water never reaches her skin no matter how long she’s outside in the rain. Giving her a bath is a chore with all the undercoat she has — it takes forever to get through it all. Just rain likely runs right off. On the floor… the walls she rubs against…

Now you know: Walt Disney fired the creator of Goofy for trying to start a union.

how to adopt a dog that’s already trained

how to adopt a dog that’s already trained

A few years back, we took Dharma and Merida to Dog World Daycare & Behavioral Center in Columbus, Indiana. Dharma took classes, but Merida went to boot camp and even got her good citizenship award. Yes, we were shocked.

Dharma — unlike Merida — has always (almost) been a good dog.

Dharma's a good dog.

Dog World has recently been posting dogs that are adoptable on Facebook.

How cool is it that they’re training dogs that are looking for homes? And how great is it that you can get an already trained dog that needs you?

What an awesome — and caring — step they’re taking. I would imagine someone interested in adoption would appreciate knowing more about the dog before taking it home (how it relates to people and other dogs)– and who better to tell you than its trainer?

Now you know: Phil Collins spontaneously sang the lyrics to “In the Air Tonight”. They were completely improvised and he didn’t write them down until after singing them for the first time, on a piece of paper (which he still has) from his decorator.

i found a photo on my phone

i found a photo on my phone

This Saturday is the date for daylight savings time to adjust. Springing forward means we lose that hour we gained when falling back. I’m already getting the least amount of sleep required to even function… barely. I’m about to lose another hour of sleep i can’t afford to miss out on.

This crazy photo of my eye.

I remember being outside a few times over the past couple days. I remember Dharma getting on my lap — she’s my Velcro hound. And I remember checking the weather on my phone while sitting outside but don’t remember what day. But a photo? A selfie even?

My sleepy brain simply can’t recall it so it had to be an accident. Like a visual butt dial. Sort of. 😉

strange selfie found on my phone

And then I run across this little tidbit that’s my “now you know” fun fact below. I don’t want to even imagine how old my poor brain is.

Now you know: Research suggests that working irregular shifts for a decade ages the brain an extra six and a half years.