a big kickoff event

Sep 27, 2012

A scheduled event today and I will admit, I’m nervous. My role isn’t on stage, but I’m responsible for a good portion of what went into the creation of this significant project that is set to launch, as well as how everything will flow later this afternoon. I feel RESPONSIBLE. Responsible is a great word isn’t it?

Definition by the Online Dictionary:

re·spon·si·bil·i·ty (r-spns-bl-t)
n. pl. re·spon·si·bil·i·ties
1. The state, quality, or fact of being responsible.
2. Something for which one is responsible; a duty, obligation, or burden.

So many people go through life shirking responsibility. They slight duties and obligations because it IS a burden to be responsible. But with responsibility comes possibility! There’s the possibility of failure of course, or even the possibility of being nothing more than mediocre. But if you’ve done the due diligence and carried the burden, there’s this huge possibility lurking right there that you’ll feel FABULOUS because what you feel responsible for is a success!

Bring it… Even with the rain, I’m ready!