I mowed in shorts in the afternoon and then watched it snow – it’s called smowing

Apr 21, 2021

It ended up being right at 63°F when I mowed yesterday afternoon. I wore shorts and a lightweight sweatshirt. By the time I was finished with the weed eater I was hot. It was typical late-April weather in Indiana… nothing special.

Then it snowed.

snow in April in Indiana

Not enough snow to cause the roads to be slick, but enough to make them steamy from the sunshine earlier in the day. The ground was totally covered by bedtime and it was still snowing…

ground cover snow

Snow falling this late in the calendar year hasn’t happened since 1989 in Indiana. One week from today the forecast is calling for 80°F.

TIL (Today I Learned): In 1996, a ‘fan’ of serial killer Richard Ramirez (Night Stalker) married him in prison. Thirteen years later, when DNA evidence showed he killed a 9-year old girl in addition to the 13 adults he murdered that she knew about, she dumped him. (Guess you must draw the line somewhere?) It didn’t take him long to replace ole’ Doreen — he was engaged to a 23 year-old writer, Christine Lee, when he died at 53 while on death row. Want to know more about the psychopath and his crazy fans — here’s the link…