Wind advisory and almost 75°F in mid-February here at the barndo. Why is it that every single time we have a warmer day or...
from zero to 95 and i’m barely hangin’ on
I'm one of those people that could spend 2 bajillion dollars $50 at a time -- but panic when making big purchases. I have a...
smile, you’re on candid camera
We have cameras all over the darned place here. Seriously... like 7 that capture every angle and even overlap. In addition,...
first time for gas station pizza
Our local Marathon gas station serves Hunt Brothers pizzas. I'd never had a gas station pizza before Katie suggested it...
sometimes home feels like i’m on vacation
I'm not sure if spending about 10 years without access to view the sky has my brain scrambled, but no matter the reason, I...
i need a BNA!
Lately, I've been in a holding pattern. A holding pattern insofar as work and how much of it I want to keep doing -- and a...
2 distinct ways to salvage a bad morning
My morning started at 6:15 AM after a bedtime of 2:35 AM. Bad enough standing on its own, the reason I was moving so early...
ants are annoying little pests
Moving here in October I didn't see a darned ant anywhere. All throughout the fall season we were ant free. Oh, we had our...
special weather update! Oh my!
Meteorologists came up a tad short with today's forecast. We actually got more snow than predicted and y'all know that...