Every single day I'm grateful for the opportunity to work closely with Scott McKain, my favorite brother on the planet. Of...
Business Thoughts
Scott McKain — Top 25 Tweeple
How extremely cool is it that Scott McKain, @scottmckain, was named as one of the "Top 25 Tweeple Young Influencers Should...
join me in some goal setting action
True to form, I didn't make resolutions this year, but I did set a goal. I've noticed that some of the goals I've set in...
what do we live for?
I was rummaging around in my filing cabinet looking for a particular folder that I just knew contained a password. I was on...
we all fall down
Everyone that regularly reads whatifitdid.com knows that I actually WATCH and appreciate commercials. I groan at some, (the...
a new approach
It’s amazing when you look back at what you were doing last year and realize how much your life can change. This year, I...
so manly sound
Dragon Dictation is a really cool app, and I have it on my iPad. Here's how it works -- you click the record button and...
i just want a pair of pajamas
I love the holiday season. The bustle at the mall, trying to find a place to park, all the people milling around and...
i am a total goof
Today I was to meet my favorite brother on the planet in Greenwood. Now that's about a 45 minute drive for him, and an hour...