Near perfect day -- except for more darned wind -- in the Ville today. My day started with an event and I'll let you guess...
rest your eggbag
A 'Nanny saying' passed to Mom... "rest your eggbag" -- used when one is rushing or in too much of a hurry. I found myself...
it was a medical emergency… sort of
The weather in the Ville is much warmer than it's been of late. That means that the ole' stink bugs are waking up and I've...
apologize, have empathy, say you’re sorry
We say "thank you" automatically, but shouldn't we apologize too when we don't meet reasonable expectations? I posted last...
a lazy weekend except for the short order cook
After a pretty busy week, this weekend has been a lazy, 'do-nothing' one so far. Nothing much going on except some major...
what time is last call?
Merida decided it was time to get up this morning BEFORE 5:00 AM. That means I was Googling, "how to stop dogs from waking...
they’re already talking about another one
The winter storm that went through yesterday is over and forecasters are already talking about another huge weather fiasco...
2 distinct ways to salvage a bad morning
My morning started at 6:15 AM after a bedtime of 2:35 AM. Bad enough standing on its own, the reason I was moving so early...
sleep and mental health in old chicks
Perry is on vacation and my sleep regimen is out the window. I try to hang with the big dogs and I can... but not for...