I let Colette pick out colors for her room in the new barndo. That was before I found out her favorites are orange and...
need a glass of water and a paper bag, please
Another hiccup in the barndo purchase. If we don't get the hiccups to stop, I'm going to need medication. This purchase...
home depot’s online order system is lacking
We placed an order early yesterday via the Home Depot website. Everything in my cart -- over $300 spent -- was supposed to...
i would NEVER do it in the city
This morning -- even though it was COLD outside -- I took my coffee and sat in the sun. In my pajamas and fuzzy socks. In...
i went to an otamatone concert
It's no wonder I can't get anything done around here... people 24/7. I accomplished not ONE SINGLE THING on the barndo...
the expert says i have heat and air but…
The heating and air guy came to the new place yesterday. There was a problem with the outside unit that controls the...
let’s get this party started… with the whatever room…
I've decided to start with the smallest and worst room in this new home project. It's the whatever room. Lemme tell you...
the second we close…
There are a few things I'm going to do the second we close on this place. The VERY FIRST THING on the list is to call my...
i have a new dog
Ok, so I don't REALLY have a new dog... but Dharma is flourishing here in the Ville and she's acting like a new doggo....