Flood warnings and more rain for the Ville today. I figure having an ark on standby would be a proactive plan. Considering...
Food & Recipes
all 4 seasons in 4 days
Yesterday was beautiful! A gorgeous sunrise kicked off the day and considering it's February in Indiana, it was nearly...
i figure it was about $5 bucks
My grocery order this week included 2 cartons of 18 eggs. At the current price, that purchase cost me almost $12 for 36...
there’s a good reason to snag some lottery tickets
I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to luck, I'm middle of the road. Sometimes I have great luck (like the time...
content non-marketing
Let's talk about blogging. Do you do it? If so, did you plan ahead before launch with a purpose and plan? WhatIfItDid.com...
i get 7 minutes more on weekends
Still a fan of the OURA ring, I read my progress report this morning to find that I only get 7 minutes more sleep per night...
i planned to share a low cal snack but it was awful
Katie, my niece that's not a niece, is one of the fat girls in our diet group of three. We're almost at the 3 week mark and...
secret recipe to make you a kitchen hero
The title of this post proves I can creatively write a sensationalized title. And there's nothing secret about the recipe....
what’s your crazy time sink?
I have this thing I do and I simply can't help myself. I can't even begin to guess how much time I waste doing it. I don't...