My favorite brother spoke yesterday at an event in Cincinnati and drove to the Ville to see Ms. Pesky before returning to...
Random Thoughts
$51 bucks to fill up a mini cooper
I find it crazy that it takes FIFTY ONE DOLLARS to fill up a Mini Cooper. That's a lot of money, right? At $4.96 a gallon...
can you imagine all the things you did 30 some years ago becoming public?
I'll be the first to admit that I've done some pretty dumb things in my life. I've never used drugs or even drank to...
the mainstream media picks a side for everything
Here I go... referencing the Depp VS Heard trial and it's not even in session this week. Can't help myself because I'm just...
Did someone come from the GN-z11 galaxy?
To date, Galaxy GN-z11 is the farthest detectable galaxy away from planet earth -- it's about 13.4 billion light-years...
i haven’t felt this crafty in a very long time
Seriously considering a move back to the Ville, I've been watching Fixer Upper like it's my job and searching all kinds of...
ambivalent doesn’t mean you don’t care
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American think tank that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and...
money ain’t everything
If you've visited here for any length of time, you know I love to watch trials. From the courtroom drama through to the...
going on vacation…
Doing my daily "see how fast you can scroll" Facebook check today, I saw something I'd seen a million times before. It...