So many articles have been written on how to boost motivation to exercise and it seems they all have crazy ideas that I...
Random Thoughts
no yawns during yesterday’s walk
Do you ever yawn when you're exercising or working out? I do -- so I looked up why it happens. When your core temperature...
not gonna lie — Moderna #2 side effects
I try not to be a complainer about health issues. I realize there are more aches and pains as one grows older (like ME!)...
COVID vaccine part duex
Can you tell who has been vaccinated and who has not from one photo? Shelley: 2; Perry: 0 I had my second vaccine today and...
COVID confusion
Two posts in one day isn't the norm for me. Trying to go to bed earlier because of this stupid OURA ring did nothing but...
i’m a walking, talking, health stat generating machine
I'm currently sporting 3 wearables for comparison. Let me first say that I don't think any are 100% accurate but figure...
I’m wearing a ring I can barely pronounce and walking miles while getting nowhere
It's after midnight and I'm listening to thunder rumble outside. It was 76 today and tomorrow the high is projected to be...
famous people with a birthday today
Director, Quentin Tarantino (LOVE the movies Reservoir Dogs and Inglourious Basterds -- oh, and Pulp Fiction is pretty...
can you keep a secret?
I have friends who would take a secret to the grave. (You know who you are.) I have other friends that can't wait to hear...