Sue Grafton is the author of a book series I've read throughout the years. Her novels, revolving around the private...
Random Thoughts
side hustles are STRONGER than Oleksii Novikov
Oleksii Novikov won the 2020 World's Strongest Man competition. He's got nothin' for today's side hustlers though --...
bedtime procrastination is back with a vengeance
As I sit in my blue light blocker glasses -- cursing my keyboard because of a sticking "s" key -- I'm going to publicly...
i’m nothing but a youngster!
Indiana again lowered the age to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Anyone 65 years plus can now make an appointment. I'm hoping...
my trip down the photo rabbit hole
I do the blog posts for our business. I try to do one per week and keep a month ahead. This round, one of the posts...
i’m going to wait this one out…
The iPhone 12 led to Apple's largest revenue and profit in company history without my money. I plan to sit out this round...
when i grow up i want to be a travelpreneur
We have a guy that's in our masterclass and he is a travelpreneur. His name is Nick. I have to tell you, Nick's lifestyle...
and i have a ringside seat
It's after midnight so it's technically Wednesday. First, happy birthday in heaven, Nanny! She was truly a gem and I sure...
it’s only Tuesday and I’m ready to retire
Last week was rough but this week is worse. Not throwing my favorite brother under the bus (ok, maybe I am), but he is a...