Happy New Year! 2020 is gone (GIT!), and we've got a whole new year to fill up with memories. But 2020 wasn't ALL bad, you...
Random Thoughts
WOW! What a year!
We've experienced crazy challenges in 2020 and we've Zoomed. And then we Zoomed some more. Six feet apart and remote work...
out with the old and in with the new
It's a nasty, rainy -- albeit unseasonably warm -- day in southern Indiana. As if the gloomy day isn't bad enough, rain...
happy anniversary sweaty
Ever had times when everything you see or read strikes you funny? Well... I laughed way too hard while browsing Facebook...
making a decision when the options are crap
Have y'all got your Christmas tree down and packed away for another year? Me neither! I always take down my tree the day...
Where else do you get to provide advice and someone listens?
Always complaining about Merida and her quirky behavior, I'm even more aggravated at Dharma this morning than I am her....
I was dreaming of a white Christmas but the peskies got it instead
If the peskies are in Florida, they love to talk to me and brag about their weather. Even now, when it's 13 freaking...
Happy Christmas Eve from rainy Indiana
I'm writing this just after midnight so it's technically Christmas Eve. Our presents have already been opened so I'm...
the world would probably end if not for photo fails
Our family Christmas is a wrap and even COVID-19 didn't ruin it for us. While not remotely close to traditional, it worked...