I'll admit I've been rather tense lately. It doesn't help when I have this certain dog that opens drawers and takes items...
Random Thoughts
searching for information
Sage Steele, ESPN's nightly anchor of SportsCenter, is to be a guest speaker at the upcoming Distinction Summit -- a...
a staycation means work
Perry is on vacation. Because of COVID, travel is pretty much out of the question. I don't even know of anyplace that would...
pumpkin is the new toilet paper
I didn't realize how much the pumpkin in my dessert looks like poop until I wrote the title for this post. Oh my! Anyway......
i must’ve had a headache
There are times when I can remember what I've dreamed and the plot actually made sense in the morning light. Not the case...
i’m in jail
From the looks of it - Dharma and Merida are in jail. But no! I'm the one behind bars! For a long time, I didn't gate off...
good-bye august 2020… you PIA, you
Painted the hall today but no photos to show until I actually put the outlet covers on and Perry puts the lights back up....
it’s always nice to be nice
There's a lady, Jane, I met a long time ago while working with a local bank to have items printed. She and her husband...
you never know what you’ll run across on the internet
On the Internet, you can find just about anything. Even old things. Like a photo of my grandfather (left), born in 1904,...