With smart phones and Instagram and Flickr and more... just glancing at this vintage advertisement made me smile. Of...
Business Thoughts
when it’s free. almost.
Last month I was engaged in conversation with my favorite brother on the planet about social media. I even posted about it...
finish each day and be done with it
Tomorrow is a new day. The FABULOUS news is that tomorrow is also Friday! Woot! Here's hoping you have two productive days...
project planning
Planning is obviously a vital step of any project -- arguably the most important step of all... right behind the inception...
know what to care about
I read an article today in a Macworld magazine from 2011. Ok, so this is an admission that bathroom reading around here...
a big kickoff event
A scheduled event today and I will admit, I'm nervous. My role isn't on stage, but I'm responsible for a good portion of...
promises broken
I swore that I would take the day off. I promised myself that once the big ole' bad project was finished, I would take a...
back among the living
Consumed by a project with a deadline of today, sleep has been slight and I've had little time for anything else....
an organized workspace?
I am a roller-coaster organizer. Some days you would think I'm the most organized and in-control person you'd ever want to...