Rainy and chilly today in the Ville and I LOVE the cooler temps -- especially after the recent 80° F days we've been having...
fat chicks 2023 is a wrap
Today was the final weigh-in for the 3 fat chicks diet contest. We had reservations to eat at St. Elmo's Steakhouse tonight...
i’ve been diagnosed with… dog guilt.
Dog guilt is a real thing, I guess. It's a condition that occurs when you leave your home and you feel guilty that your...
apocalypse, cancelled!
In your contacts (I don't say friends for a reason), I'm willing to bet there's one person you know that always wants their...
the countdown is ON
It's weekend! There's so much to do and none of it is fun stuff. The pool still isn't closed and there's a bajillion other...
one of my dogs was sure she was gonna die!
Yesterday, I don't know what I would've done without Mr. Pesky. Both of my hound dog's nails were long and I am too chicken...
beans don’t lie
Funny how beans start to turn yellow as harvest approaches. It doesn't take a frost, they just know when fall is around the...
side deck bathing for two
Over the holiday weekend, Perry and I decided to give Dharma and Merida a bath. As a reminder... Dharma LOVES water and...
the COVID comeback – and i’m pretty sure that’s not what Merida had
COVID boosters are slated to be released in the fall and numbers of those infected are on the rise. The CDC says the new...