I can scroll through Facebook in a matter of seconds UNLESS there's some dog rescue video. That leads to watching some food...
happy birthday, Ben! You’re my favorite human.
Today is my favorite son's birthday. He's 29 again this year and honestly, I'm not even going to count how old he really...
my mom owes me an apology
Some days I feel my age more than others. I ain't talkin 'bout physical age either. Awake early this morning with my coffee...
it ain’t over till the fat lady sings
As it stands right now, I'll be singing tomorrow around 5:00 PM. Mr. Contractor says he'll be done except for the back door...
the #1 way to get rid of smells indoors
Imagine if you will... **queue music from Rod Serling's 1959 TV series, "The Twilight Zone"** a journey into an entire room...
i used to LOVE the internet…
I'm so tired of every person and every company on the planet constantly trying to get my money! Our data is valuable! Our...
girl drama is alive and well
The second Coco walked in the door last night she asked for the WIFI password. Her laptop had never been online here and...
to all future hot tub/spa owners across the world…
Use bromine. Trust me on this. This isn't my first hot tub. Hot tub #1 was treated with bromine but I wasn't thrilled with...
the projects should end soon – at least the big ones
Today the inside garage door comes down and the wall goes up to replace it in the office/family room. A closet should...