In the event that you ever need to prove that you said something -- or did something -- a photo or audio/video recording is...
Random Thoughts
celebrating my puppies today
Today is National Love Your Pet Day. So many cute doggie photos shared on Facebook today -- and I guess a couple cats...
a potential for a mass murder
We all know that icicles "have been known to kill people." This means that our home has the potential for mass murder. More...
there’s pixie dust everywhere!
It's a winter wonderland, you guys. The sunshine on the snow this morning makes it look like everything is covered with...
i got my wish… sort of…
Snow fell in southern Indiana last night and today. Although not as much as originally predicted, it was a measurable...
milk, eggs, bread, and… CRACKERS!
Here in Southern Indiana the forecast for the coming week is pretty darned nasty. If you believe meteorologists, our future...
this is my week for ultimate customer experiences
My fitbit challenge still tops the list (so far) of bad customer experiences for 2021, but what happened yesterday wasn't...
the tale of my unfit fitbit
What you're about to read is a sad story about how a loyal and long-time customer turned into an angry witch (likely with a...
a north face parka and a windbreaker
SNOW! Yippee!! So excited to get enough snow to actually cover the ground. It's beautiful and makes me happy. We had 5...